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MS Setting School Purchase required to enroll

MS Setting School is a great opportunity for rising 7th/8th graders who are looking to further their setting skills. This School is loaded with repetition of skills that include: hand positioning, ball control, wrist and hand flexibility and strengthening, setting IQ, precision, footwork, setter attacks, videos etc. Fun but challenging, these sessions are designed to inspire athletes to be relentless in their pursuit of excellence.

6 week program, consisting of 2 classes per week (1hr skill and 1 hour strength). The price for the entire program is $700. This can be paid upon registration in full or our staff can split in two payments. We are also giving $200 off for second and third course if you wish to sign up for multiple courses. Please email hello@blockoutacademy.com with your athletes name ( if you are new create your account first and select membership feee under plan), course name and how we can help ( signing up for multiple courses or splitting payments)

Strength & Conditioning classes are included in this program.

MS Setting School

Other requirements for enrollment:

* Current annual membership fee ($99 for single athlete or $139 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.
optional: premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

Varsity Spring Traning $60 per class Purchase required to enroll

Varsity Spring Training is bi-weekly training who are already or will be training out for varsity teams and are not playing club ball. Spring training is designed to elevate the athlete, enhance all skills, physical and mental performance.

Spring training is a 16 week commitment (classes beginning January 1st/3rd- April 29/30th)

Martin Luther King Jr Day: Classes ON as scheduled.

Valentines Day: Classes ON as scheduled.

No Spring Break Classes (TBA)

Monthly Fees: there will be 4 payments of $500 for Spring Training (billed on the 1st of the month unless other arrangements were made) There is a spot hold fee of $200 (collected December 1st). This would be credited to first month payment.

Registration Fee: All participants must have current membership fee $129 or $189 for multiple kids. Once expired we will automatically bill renewal if you are in 16 week program. Premium membership $199 or $259 for multiple family members (includes Free mental performance clinics and 2 shirts are included reminds the same).

Drop-Out Policy - If the athlete wishes to drop out after the drop-out period, you will still be financially responsible for the remainder entire program tuition. If the athlete drops out due to injury/illness, a doctor’s note will be required to receive credit for the future lessons. The credit will have 30 days expiration date from the time athlete is released.

If athlete drops out due to relocating- we will need documentation of moving.

Drama: There will be no drama tolerated. We ask that athletes respect themselves, other athletes and coaches.

Weather: If classes are canceled per weather advisory there will be NO MAKE up classes for our programs.

Declined Cards: If the cards are declined on the billing cycle there will be declined card $35 charge.

Performance Discussion: We encourage the athlete to ask questions regarding performance. If you wish to set up meeting and discuss goals/ progress etc we can- it will be billed at hourly rate.

QUESTIONS? Email us at hello@blockoutacademy.com

HS Setter Development Clinic Purchase required to enroll

Setter development program is much needed and based upon what we see across the age groups. The focus of this class is to develop a true setter's mentality and IQ, along with proper technique and skill. Some sessions may Include video breakdowns/ tutorials. This class is progressive so we highly encourage consistency. This class is open to setters who are just starting their positional training and more advanced setters that have already played that role before. Class will be divided into groups based upon current skill level.

This clinic is a drop-in class, therefore, you would need to enroll in every class you wish to attend. Drop-in classes are $60. We also offer Drop-In Plans which allow multiple visits at discounted prices.

Enrollment is limited to 12 athletes.

*All athletes new to BlockOut must select a newcomer plan.

* Current annual registration fee $99 for single athlete or $139 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants. (Schedule and plans become available once you become a member)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com.

Please contact hello@blcokoutacademey.com if you have any questions.

MS Hitting/Serving Purchase required to enroll

This is a great fit for 7/8th grade Middle School athletes with previous experience and skill training, to work on their hitting and serving skills: toss/positioning/point of contact/power/precision. We cover both, standing float and jump float techniques. You can expect to work on the toss break down, footwork, point of contact, and accuracy. One hour loaded with detailed instruction and repetition.

MS Hitting/Serving class is considered a drop-in class.

*If you are new to BlockOut and would like to enroll in this class, you must select the Newcomer Plan.
*All participants must have a current annual registration fee. The annual registration fee is $95 for single athlete or $135 for multi-athlete family. This fee is valid for 1 year from date of purchase.
*Your account must have an updated credit card on file.
*Class registration closes 48 hours prior to the class time. This allows us to carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com.

MS Setter Development Clinic Purchase required to enroll

This class is a great fit for all MS athletes wanting to work on setting skills. This is a fast-paced competitive class.

This clinic is a drop-in class, therefore, you would need to enroll in every class you wish to attend. Drop-in classes are $60. We also offer Drop-In Plans which allow multiple visits at discounted prices.

Enrollment is limited to 10 athletes.

*All athletes new to BlockOut must select a newcomer plan.

* Current annual registration fee $95 for a single athlete or $135 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com.

Please contact hello@blcokoutacademey.com if you have any questions.

HS Setter Development Purchase required to enroll

HS Setter Development is a great opportunity for high schooler to further develop their setting skills. This program is loaded with repetition of skills that include: hand positioning, ball control, wrist and hand flexibility and strengthening, setting IQ, precision, footwork, setter attacks, videos etc.

Fun but challenging, these sessions are designed to inspire athletes to be relentless in their pursuit of excellence.

HS Setter Development is a 6 week program, consisting of 2 classes per week (1hr skill and 1 hour strength). The price for the entire program is $700. This can be paid upon registration in full or our staff can split in two payments. We are also giving $200 off for second and third course if you wish to sign up for multiple courses. Please email hello@blockoutacademy.com with your athletes name ( if you are new create your account first and select membership feee under plan), course name and how we can help ( if you wish to make a payment plan or sign up for multiple courses).

Strength & Conditioning classes are included in this program.

Other requirements for enrollment:

* Current annual membership fee ($99 for single athlete or $139 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.
optional: premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

MS High Development Mini Camp From $125 per visit with Non-BOA Member Pass pass Purchase required to enroll

This Mini Camp is 2 hour of high repetition & instruction loaded working on all skills.

Great opportunity for competitive middle school athletes who have busy weekly schedule but want to come and develop their skills and build confidence.

This is not a beginner camp! If you have no prior experience please contact us and we will suggest the correct class/camp.

Open to members for $100 and Non-Members for $125. Payment is due at enrollment.

If you want to become a member the fees are below:

* Current Annual membership fee ($119 for single athlete or $179 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.

* Optional: Premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly membership fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

Middle School Fall Training Purchase required to enroll

MS Fall Training is great opportunity for our middle school athletes to practice and improve their skills.

Fall Training runs for 8 weeks and classes meet 2 times a week. The program is billed monthly at $375 per month.

* Current annual registration fee $99 for single athlete or $139 for multi-athlete family, or premium membership is required for all participants.
* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com.

Strength & Conditioning -Youth $30 per class From $14 per visit with Strength & Conditioning Monthly Pass - With a Volleyball Course pass Purchase required to enroll

Focus of the class: Foundations of Athletic Performance ( this is strength and conditioning for youth) 4-6th grade

In the Foundations of Athletic Performance class young athletes will be introduced to performance training and the weight room. The class will be geared towards improving movement quality and aiding in injury prevention. By attending the course athletes will develop training habits that will carry them throughout their athletic careers.

Price for athletes that are participating in a volleyball session is $125 for 8 sessions.

Price for athletes that are not participating in a volleyball session is $250 for 8 sessions.

7th/8th Grade All Skill Christmas Camp $100 per class From $125 per visit with Non-BOA Member Pass pass Purchase required to enroll

This Christmas Camp is designed to keep athletes engaged during break while offering tons of repetition and instruction.

Top focus of every class/camp is holding athletes accountable to work towards clear set goals in order to gain unshakable confidence and learn strategies to ensure success both on and off the court.

Current 7th/8th graders will work on all skills in this 3 hour camp.

This is not a beginner camp! If you have no prior experience please contact us and we will suggest the correct class/camp

Open to members for $100 and Non-Members for $125

Payment is due at enrollment.

if you want to become a member the fees are below:

* Current annual membership fee ($99 for single athlete or $149 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.

* Optional premium membership (single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at

hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

MS Serve, Serve Receive, Defense, Diving Mini Camp $100 per class From $125 per visit with Non-BOA Member Pass pass Purchase required to enroll

This Mini Camp is 90 minutes of repetition & instruction loaded working on serve receive skills.

Great opportunity for middle school athletes who have busy weekly schedule but want to improve and gain confidence in their serve receive technique.

This Mini Camp is for MS athletes who have more than 1 year playing experience who would like to strengthen their platform and serving skills. This is not a beginner camp! If you have no prior experience (Rec league doesn’t count as an experience) please contact us and we will suggest the correct class/camp!

Total price for this camp $100. Non-members $125.

If you have any questions, please email us at hello@blockoutacademy.com.

HS Serve, Serve Receive, Defense, Diving Mini Camp $100 per class From $125 per visit with Non-BOA Member Pass pass Purchase required to enroll

This Mini Camp is 2 hours of repetition & instruction loaded working on serve receive skills.

Great opportunity for 9th-12th grade athletes who have busy weekly schedule but want to improve and gain confidence in their serve receive technique.

Open to members for $100 and Non-Members for $125 Payment is due at enrollment.

If you have any questions, please email us at hello@blockoutacademy.com

Beginner/Limited experience Mini Camp $100 per class From $125 per visit with Non-BOA Member Pass pass Purchase required to enroll

This Mini Camp is 2 hours full of repetition & instruction loaded working on all skills. This is a great opportunity for beginner athletes who have busy weekly schedule and want to get introduced into volleyball, eager to learn volleyball, basic IQ, and movement along with what it takes to be great on and off the court.

Total price for this clinic $100. Non-members $125. No make up classes offered for this program

Questions? Send us an email hello@blockoutacademy.com

Varsity / Collegiate Spring Training No purchase required to enroll

Elite Varsity class is reserved for athletes who are on competitive Varsity Teams and will look forward to another Varsity year or Collegiate teams. Please email hello@blockoutacademy.com before registering for this group.

Spring training is a 16 week commitment (32 classes beginning January 1st/3rd- April 22nd/24th)

Martin Luther Kind Day: Classes ON as scheduled.

Valentines Day: Classes ON as scheduled.

No Spring Break
Classes (TBA)

Monthly Fees: there will be 4 payments of $500 for Spring Training (billed on the 1st of the month unless other arrangements were made) There is a spot hold fee of $200 (collected December 1st). This would be credited to first month payment.

Registration Fee: All participants must have current membership fee $119 or $179 for multiple kids. Once expired we will automatically bill renewal if you are in 16 week program. Premium membership $199 or $259 for multiple family members (includes Free mental performance clinics and 2 shirts are included reminds the same).

Drop-Out Policy - The last day to drop-out without financial responsibility is November 30th. If the athlete wishes to drop out after the drop-out period, you will still be financially responsible for the remainder entire program tuition. If the athlete drops out due to injury/illness, a doctor’s note will be required to receive credit for the future lessons. The credit will have 30 days expiration date from the time athlete is released.

If athlete drops out due to relocating- we will need documentation of moving.

Make-up: Athletes are eligible to make up 2 classes per entire program (16 weeks); If joined late 1 class per 8 weeks; The make up classes will be assigned monthly for Middle School and High School level (Weekend drop in clinics are NOT a make up classes). There will be no additional make up classes given.

Drama: There will be no drama tolerated. We ask that athletes respect themselves, other athletes and coaches.

Weather: If classes are canceled per weather advisory there will be NO MAKE up classes for our programs.

Declined Cards: If the cards are declined on the billing cycle there will be declined card $35 charge.

Drop in- clinics/ Other programs: If athlete desires to participate in other clinics, programs and privates they can go and register online at least 48 hours before program/class starts.

Performance Discussion: We encourage the athlete to ask questions regarding performance. If you wish to set up meeting and discuss goals/ progress etc we can- it will be billed at hourly rate.

QUESTIONS? Email us at hello@blockoutacademy.com

Beginner / Limited Experience Setting Clinic $40 per class From $125 per visit with Non-BOA Member Pass pass Purchase required to enroll

In partnership with Homewood parks and rec- Blockout is doing a bundle of 4 skill clinics for beginner/ limited experience ( geared towards those who play rec or just getting started).

Clinics are as follows:

8/14 8-9am Setting skills

8/21 8-9am Serving: standing float serve

8/28 8-9am First contact: serve- serve receive

9/5 8-9am Hitting: arm-swing/ point of contact and footwork.

Cost is $40 per clinic or $125 for all 4.

Rising 7th All Skills Christmas Camp $100 per class From $125 per visit with Non-BOA Member Pass pass Purchase required to enroll

This Christmas Camp is designed to keep athletes engaged during break while offering tons of repetition and instruction.

Top focus of every class/camp is holding athletes accountable to work towards clear set goals in order to gain unshakable confidence and learn strategies to ensure success both on and off the court.

Current rising 7th graders with previous experience preferred.

This is not a beginner camp! If you have no prior experience please contact us and we will suggest the correct class/camp

Open to members for $100 and Non-Members for $125 Payment is due at enrollment.

If you want to become a member the fees are below:

* Current Annual membership fee ($99 for single athlete or $149 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.
* Optional: Premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly membership fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

MS Hitting/Blocking Mini Camp $100 per class From $125 per visit with Non-BOA Member Pass pass Purchase required to enroll

This Mini Camp is 90 minutes loaded with tons of repetition for hitting and blocking skills that include: hitting and blocking footwork, explosiveness, timing, wrist snap, precision. Great opportunity for middle school athletes who have busy weekly schedule but want to improve their hitting and blocking skills, mentality, and gain confidence!

This Mini Camp is for MS athletes who have more than 1 year playing experience who would like to strengthen their hitting and blocking skills. This is not a beginner camp! If you have no prior experience (Rec league doesn’t count as an experience) please contact us and we will suggest the correct class/camp

Total price for this camp $100. Non-members $125. No make up classes offered for this program.

Questions? Send us an email hello@blockoutacademy.com

Spring Training Make up rising 8-9th Free No purchase required to enroll

Make up Spring training JV- Varsity Free No purchase required to enroll

Faith/ Fear Family Workout $40 per class No purchase required to enroll

Dear friends and family,

we are doing fundraising family workout to help our dear friends and Baby Kinsley fight aggressive form of childhood leukemia 2nd time around. ( Read her story: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1084188928426261)

Please come in and have a great time, great workout and get to know our strength coach Jared, our strength facility while investing in your health and bonding with your children.

We ask for minimum of $20 per person participating.

If you would like to donate more feel free. If you would like to participate but are unable you can help out here:https://www.gofundme.com/f/kinsley-kicks-cancer?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_li...

Tuscaloosa Academy rising 9th A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.

This class is a group rising 9th from Tuscaloosa Academy.

Vertical Jump Camp $200 Purchase required to enroll

Jump Clinic is a 5 week series:

Each week athletes will be coached through a progression toward improved loading and acceleration off of one foot and two feet respectively. This translates into improved jump height and reduced likelihood of jump related injuries.

The fourth week athletes will test their verticals on the force plates to identify their vertical jump profile so that we can give them exercises to do specific to their individual needs.

Each athlete leaves with their jump performance numbers and exercises they can do outside of blockout to help improve.

All will be tested on. highest touch on the Vertec and maximum effort vertical jump height on the jump mat during the first and last class.

High School All Skills Boot Camp $400 Purchase required to enroll

This three week Boot Camp will be fast paced and geared toward elevating High School athletes in all areas of their skills. Practices will be twice a week for two hours per class (one hour of strength & conditioning and one hour of skills training).

*Must have current annual membership fee to enroll.

* Current Annual membership fee ($99 for single athlete or $149 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.

* Optional: Premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly membership fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

HIGH SCHOOL CAMP $100 per class From $125 per visit with Non-BOA Member Pass pass Purchase required to enroll

This Mini Camp is 2 hour of high repetition & instruction loaded working on all skills.

Great opportunity for competitive rising 9-12th grade athletes who have busy weekly schedule and want to improve their all around skills that include: passing, serving, hitting, blocking, and setting while also building confidence.

This is not a beginner camp! If you have no prior experience please contact us and we will suggest the correct class/camp

Open to members for $100 and Non-Members for $125 Payment is due at enrollment.

If you want to become a member the fees are below:
* Current Annual membership fee ($119 for single athlete or $179 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.
* Optional: Premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly membership fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

Beginner/Limited Experience Summer Camp (5th-8th Grade) $300 Purchase required to enroll

Beginner/Limited Experience (5th-8th Grade) class is an awesome opportunity for athletes that want to get introduced to volleyball and are eager to learn!

This class is for athletes with beginner or limited experience. This class will offer tons of repetition and instruction!

This Drop In Class will introduce your athlete to setting, passing, hitting, serving and tips on what it takes to be great!

Earlybird special! If you sign-up before May 22nd you can use code "SUMMER15" for 15% off the camp price!
**Coupon may not be combined, applied to other services, or used after expiration date. **

Nonmembers who sign up will be charged an additional $50 to attend.

Volley Seeds Purchase required to enroll

This is a great introductory program for our youngest athletes. During these sessions our goal is to introduce athletics to the girls, basic movements and coordination, team work and confidence throughout the fundamentals of volleyball, all while instilling excitement and love for the game in each player. Plant the seed and watch them grow!

Classes run every Saturday from August 24th - September 28th and cost for the course is $250.

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com.

HS Hitting/Blocking Camp $250 Purchase required to enroll

This camp will offer tons of repetition and instruction for hitting skills that include: hitting footwork, explosiveness, timing, wrist snap, precision, etc.

Great opportunity for high school athletes who to further their hitting skills, increase their IQ, and confidence.

This is not a beginner camp! If you have no prior experience please contact us and we will suggest the correct class/camp.

We will allow non-members for extra $25.

HS Serve, Serve receive, Defense Summer Camp $250 Purchase required to enroll

This camp is a great fit for all HS athletes wanting to work exclusively on defense and serve receive.

This is a fast-paced competitive class.

Open to athletes in all positions that want to enhance their passing.

Top focus of every class is holding athletes accountable to work towards clear set goals in order to gain unshakable confidence and

learn strategies to ensure success both on and off the court.

Earlybird special! If you sign-up before May 22nd you can use code "SUMMER15" for 15% off the camp price!
**Coupon may not be combined, applied to other services, or used after expiration date. **

Nonmembers who sign up will be charged an additional $25 to attend.

MS Hitting/Blocking Development Camp $300 Purchase required to enroll

This 4 day camp will offer tons of repetition and instruction for hitting skills that include: hitting footwork, explosiveness, timing, wrist snap, precision as well as gaining confidence in their abilities.

Great opportunity for middle school athletes who to further their hitting skills, increase their IQ, and confidence.

This is not a beginner camp! If you have no prior experience please contact us and we will suggest the correct class/camp.

We will allow non-members for extra $50.

MS Fall Training (7th/8th grade) A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.

Fall Training is class designed to develop all skills, physical and mental performance. These high repetition classes are designed to elevate all skills and build confidence. Classes consist of one hour skills training and one hour strength & conditioning training. Training is 10 week commitment (August 5th - October 9th) Monday/Wednesdays 5pm-7pm. Current Middle School athletes (7/8th grade) who are not on a school team are eligible to train in this program.

The total price for this program is $1200.There is a $200 spot hold fee due at registration along with a required current yearly membership. This $200 fee will be credited to the 1st month's fee, unless the athlete is a no-show/cancels the enrollment. If the athlete is a no-show/cancels the enrollment, the $200 spot hold fee is non-refundable and cannot be used for other services. A payment of $500 will be collected August 1, 2024 and September 1, 2024. If spots are available, late enrollment is allowed and will be prorated. Enrollment is limited to 12 athletes.

* We close class registration 24 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

HS Fall Training A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.

Fall Training is class designed to develop all skills, physical and mental performance. These high repetition classes are designed to elevate all skills and build confidence. Classes consist of one hour skills training and one hour strength & conditioning training. Training is a 10 week commitment (August 5th - October 9th) Monday/Wednesdays 5pm-7pm. Current Middle School athletes (9th - 12th grade) who are not on a school team are eligible to train in this program.

The total price for this program is $1200.There is a $200 spot hold fee due at registration along with a required current yearly membership. This $200 fee will be credited to the 1st month's fee, unless the athlete is a no-show/cancels the enrollment. If the athlete is a no-show/cancels the enrollment, the $200 spot hold fee is non-refundable and cannot be used for other services. A payment of $500 will be collected August 1, 2024 and September 1, 2024. If spots are available, late enrollment is allowed and will be prorated. Enrollment is limited to 12 athletes.

* We close class registration 24 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

ECP Team Camp $100 per class No purchase required to enroll

PG $300 per class No purchase required to enroll

Lawson CC Free No purchase required to enroll

Adult Strength Class Purchase required to enroll

We are excited to offer Adult Strength Class and let BOA parents experience and enjoy the BOA culture while gaining strength and mental skills.

Strength classes will be on Monday / Wednesday / Friday at 9:00 AM with Coach DJ!

Each class will be a full body focused workout designed to help you look better, feel better, and elevate
your fitness.

DJ will assist you in setting smart goals that will keep you on track and motivated.

There will be group skill building sessions once a month on select Saturdays. These will be centered around breathing, relaxation, and meditation.

PNOE metabolic testing will be done at the beginning of each month. This testing analyzes your breathing and provides insights about your health along with personalized exercise, nutritional, and lifestyle interventions to help you reach your health goals.

Participants are recommended to partake in a monthly InBody scan** so we can have data on your unique
needs and guide you towards your goals. Along with interpreting InBody results we will be offering
general guidance with your nutrition to troubleshoot you through your diets and give advice to drive you
towards your peak potential. We will use the tools it takes to help you tap into more of your potential.

We are all-in to help you reach the best version of yourself and achieve your goals. Are you?

*This is a trial run for Blockout Adult Training. This plan will last through December with the hopes of
renewing year-round in 2024. We will know more about the continuation of adult training at the end of
the year. We have a yearly membership fee of $119/person, premium membership for $199/person, or $250 for entire family (parents and kids).

*There will be no strength class on the week of Thanksgiving (Nov 20th-24th)*
*There will be no strength class on the week of Christmas (Dec 25th-29th)*
*There will be no strength class on the first week of January (Jan 1st-5th)*

**InBody scans are available at Elite Nutrition in Hoover and Vestavia. We can use this to see much
more than you can see on a scale alone; Body Fat %, Lean Mass %, Distribution of Fat Mass, Distribution
of Muscle Mass, Hydration, Basil Metabolic Rate, Hydration, Bodyweight and more.
Elite Nutrition Vestavia, 616 Montgomery Hwy, Vestavia Hills, AL 35216
Elite Nutrition Hoover, 1841 Montgomery Hwy # 101, Hoover, AL 35244

Spring Break All-Skills Camp 7-8th Grade Advanced $300 Purchase required to enroll

This is a great opportunity for 7/8th graders to work on all-skills and really rack up on some quality reps, mental performance tips, and be a part of an amazing culture and atmosphere!

*This is NOT a beginner / limited experience camp.

Must have a solid volleyball knowledge and multiple years of playing experience.

Open to members and non members, so invite a friend!

Spring Break All-Skills Camp 9th-12th Grade $300 Purchase required to enroll

This is a great opportunity for 9-12th graders to work on their all skills and really rack up on some quality reps, mental performance tips and be a part of an amazing culture and atmosphere!

Open to members and non members!

If you want to come but can’t come all 4 days- let us know and we will get you in on the days when you can!

This camp is for experienced 9-12th graders ( not a beginner/limited experience camp). If you are an 8th grader and have been training with our HS groups you may sign up for this camp.

Spring Break All Skill Camp 6-8th Grade Beginner/Limited Experience $300 Purchase required to enroll

This is a great opportunity for 6-8th graders to dive deep into fundamentals and work on their all skills and rack up on detailed instruction, quality reps, mental performance tips and be a part of an amazing culture and atmosphere!

Open to members and non members!

If you want to come but can’t come all 4 days- let us know and we will get you in on the days when you can!

This camp is for 6-8th graders with limited or no experience.

Excellent for those preparing for tryouts or have made a team- but are new to volleyball.

Briarwood HS training No purchase required to enroll

HS defense + serve receive $60 per class Purchase required to enroll

This classis a great fit for all HS athletes wanting to work exclusively on defense and serve receive. This is a fast-paced competitive class. Open to athletes in all positions that want to enhance their passing.

Top focus of every class is holding athletes accountable to work towards clear set goals in order to gain unshakable confidence and learn strategies to ensure success both on and off the court.

This clinic is a drop-in class, therefore, you would need to enroll in every class you wish to attend. Drop-in classes are $60. We also offer Drop-In Plans which allow multiple visits at discounted prices.

Enrollment is limited to 12 athletes.

*All athletes NEW to BlockOut must select a newcomer plan.

* Current annual membership fee ($99 for single athlete or $139 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.
optional: premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

NCAA FINALS WATCH PARTY $10 per class Purchase required to enroll

7th/8th Grade Advanced All-Skill Bootcamp Purchase required to enroll

This 7th-8th grade advanced all skill developmental bootcamp is a 10 class program starting on Friday Nov 8th going through Sunday Dec 15th.

Athletes will work high repetitions on all skills and fundamentals, mindset, and game-like situations.

We are passionate about getting young athletes in the gym and building the right foundation of fundamentals and skills in order to set them up for a successful volleyball career.

This class is only for athletes that have multiple years of playing experience in club or school ball (rec league experience does not count).

4th - 6th Grade Beginner / Limited Experience Bootcamp Purchase required to enroll

This 4th - 6th grade beginner/ limited experience developmental bootcamp is a 10 class program starting on Friday Nov 8th going through Sunday Dec 15th.

Athletes will work on skills, fundamentals, movements, footwork, and play out game situations in order to get reps and become more familiar with the game of volleyball.

This class is only for athletes that are beginners or have limited experience. We are passionate about getting young athletes in the gym and building the right foundation of fundamentals and skills in order to set them up for a successful volleyball career.

Power National Team Training $100 per class Purchase required to enroll

Setter Country Tier 3 Purchase required to enroll

Setter Country is a unique and only program in Alabama designed to teach and enhance all things setter in progressive way:

Great setters- have great setter coaches and dive in details and are consistent in their effort and their progression.

Tier 3 is our highest level setter class and will serve Varsity level setters( wanting to play competitive Varsiy level HS, those who are looking to get recruited for next level and current collegiate setters looking for additional training)

Lessons are progressive in nature and loaded with repetition of skills that include:

1. Hand positioning

2. Ball control

3. Wrist and hand flexibility and strengthening

4. Core and upper back flexibility and strengthening

5. Setting IQ

6. Accuracy

7. Footwork

8. Setter Attacks

9. Video analyses

10. Mindset
11. Efficient Jump Setting
12. Decision Making
13. Leadership
14. Communication

Fun but challenging, these sessions are designed to inspire athletes to be relentless in their pursuit of excellence.

Annual Membership required to participate in this class!

Setter Country Tiers 1 & 2 Purchase required to enroll

Setter Country is a unique and only program in Alabama designed to teach and enhance all things setter in progressive way:

Tiers 1 & 2 are for beginners/limited experience setters that strive to learn more about the finesse of being a setter.

Great setters- have great setter coaches and dive in details and are consistent in their effort and their progression.

Young setters need setter training early on especially when forming hands, developing coordination and learning footwork along all other volleyball skills.

Lessons are progressive in nature and loaded with repetition of skills that include:

1. Hand positioning

2. Ball control

3. Wrist and hand flexibility and strengthening

4. Core and upper back flexibility and strengthening

5. Setting IQ,

6. Accuracy

7. Footwork

8. Setter Attacks

9. Video analyses

10. Mindset

Fun but challenging, these sessions are designed to inspire athletes to be relentless in their pursuit of excellence.

Annual Membership required to participate in this class!

Next level $50 per class Purchase required to enroll

Setter Country Christmas Camp $275 Purchase required to enroll

Setter Country is bringing together setters who crave excellence, detailed instruction, repetition and challenge.

Camp is focused on all things SETTER: Hands, Footwork, Jump Sets, Decision Making, Video Break Down, Hand Strenghtening, Peripheral Vision, Communication, Mindset and Mental game.

Must have at least 1 year experience setting - ages 13 and up.

Tier 1, 2 and 3 will be split.

Earlybird special! If you sign-up before December 10th you can use code "CHRISTMAS" for $25 off the camp price & a free tshirt!
**Coupon may not be combined, applied to other services, or used after expiration date. **

Setter Country Tier 3 clinic Purchase required to enroll

This class is a drop- in clinic (paid per class).

Setter Country is a unique and only program in Alabama designed to teach and enhance all things setter in progressive way:

Great setters- have great setter coaches and dive in details and are consistent in their effort and their progression.

Lessons are progressive in nature and loaded with repetition of skills that include:

1. Hand positioning

2. Ball control

3. Wrist and hand flexibility and strengthening

4. Core and upper back flexibility and strengthening

5. Setting IQ,

6. Accuracy

7. Footwork

8. Setter Attacks

9. Video analyses

10. Mindset

Fun but challenging, these sessions are designed to inspire athletes to be relentless in their pursuit of excellence.

Setter Country Tier 1,2 Clinic Purchase required to enroll

* This is a drop in clinic (pay per clinic)

Setter Country is a unique and only program in Alabama designed to teach and enhance all things setter in progressive way:

Great setters- have great setter coaches and dive in details and are consistent in their effort and their progression.

Lessons are progressive in nature and loaded with repetition of skills that include:

1. Hand positioning

2. Ball control

3. Wrist and hand flexibility and strengthening

4. Core and upper back flexibility and strengthening

5. Setting IQ,

6. Accuracy

7. Footwork

8. Setter Attacks

9. Video analyses

10. Mindset

Fun but challenging, these sessions are designed to inspire athletes to be relentless in their pursuit of excellence.

Tier 1 and 2 requirements for enrollment:

1. Must do private and be approved by Coach Nev if new to Blockout Academy prior enrollment.

2. Must have at least 6 training hours in a month to stay in program. ( If missing lessons will have to schedule private to make up and stay eligible)

3. Must be 13 and up

4. Must have at least 1 season setting experience and 2 years playing volleyball( Rec league doesn’t count)

5. Must be open to feedback and eager to make changes.

6. Must do “homework” assigned by coach.

7. Must be respectful to the other setters

Cornerstone Christian Academy $180 per class No purchase required to enroll

TA $180 per class No purchase required to enroll

Cornerstone Group Training $60 per class No purchase required to enroll

Volley Seeds Fall $160 Purchase required to enroll

This is a great introductory program for our youngest athletes. During these sessions our goal is to introduce athletics to the girls, basic movements and coordination, team work and confidence throughout the fundamentals of volleyball, all while instilling excitement and love for the game in each player. Plant the seed and watch them grow!

PROGRAM LENGTH: Classes are held on Saturdays 10-10:45am

WHO: Beginner athletes ages (6 -10 years old) looking for introductory skills training.

COST: $160

Drop-Out Policy: If the athlete wishes to drop out, you will still be financially responsible for the remainder entire program tuition. If the athlete drops out due to injury/illness, a doctor’s note will be required to receive credit for the future lessons. The credit will have 30 days expiration date from the time athlete is released.

Questions? Email us hello@blockoutacademy.com

HS Hitting/Blocking School Purchase required to enroll

This is a great opportunity for middle schoolers who are looking to further their hitting and blocking skills. This school is loaded with repetition of skills that include: hitting and blocking footwork, explosiveness, timing, wrist snap, mobility, precision, and positioning.

PROGRAM LENGTH:This is a 6 week program, consisting of 2 classes per week (1hr skill and + 1hr strength).

COST: The price for the entire program is $750. This can be paid upon registration in full or our staff can split in two payments. We are also giving $200 off for second and third course if you wish to sign up for multiple courses. Please email hello@blockoutacademy.com with your athletes name, course name, and how we can help if you wish to make a payment plan or sign up for multiple courses.

REQUIREMENT: Current annual membership fee ($119 for single athlete or $179 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants OR Premium membership (single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

QUESTIONS? Email us at hello@blockoutacademy.com

Bessemer High School $25 per class No purchase required to enroll

Liberty Park rising 8th Grade No purchase required to enroll

This Class is reserved for Liberty Park rising 8th Grade athletes. Not open to general public.

15s Local Travel Team Free No purchase required to enroll

Mtn. Brook Rising 8th Grade Group Purchase required to enroll

This Class is reserved for Mountain Brook rising 8th Grade athletes. Not open to general public.

Homewood Rising 7th/8th Grade Group Purchase required to enroll

This Class is reserved for Homewood Middle rising 7th/8th Grade athletes. Not open to general public.

Mountain Brook Rising 6th Grade Group Purchase required to enroll

This Class is reserved for Brookwood Forest Elementary Rising 6th Grade athletes. Not open to general public.

2nd-8th Grade Summer Camp $90 per class Purchase required to enroll

We are partnering with Homewood Parks and Recreation to offer Summer Camps for beginner athletes in the 2nd-8th Grade.

Mini camp will cover in detail all skills: setting-passing- hitting- serving- footwork- basic coordination along with mindset of what takes to be great on and off the court.

Athletes will have ample time to work on skills and then get an opportunity to put them to the test! We will play games like queen of the court, 3v3, and 5v5.

Mini camp will take place at West Homewood Athletic Facility: 123 W Oxmoor Rd, Homewood, Al 35209

Bring Atheltic gear- water bottle- hair up.

This mini camp is open to all: you don’t need to be Homewood resident or Blockout Member to participate.

2nd-8th Grade Boys All-Skills Camp $40 per class Purchase required to enroll

We are partnering with Homewood Parks and Recreation to offer All-Skills Mini Camps for beginner athletes in the 2nd-8th Grade. This camp will be for BOYS ONLY.

Time: 8:00 - 9:30 AM

Mini camp will cover in detail all skills: setting-passing- hitting- serving- footwork- basic coordination along with mindset of what takes to be great on and off the court.

These mini camps are designed to inspire athletes through detailed volleyball instruction to be relentless in their pursuit of excellence in whatever they chose to do.

We will split athletes based upon skills and experience.

Mini camp will take place at West Homewood Athletic Facility: 123 W Oxmoor Rd, Homewood, Al 35209

Bring athletic gear and water bottle.

This mini camp is open to all: you don’t need to be Homewood resident or Blockout Member to participate.

All Skills Mini Camp 2-5th grade $40 per class Purchase required to enroll

We are partnering with Homewood Parks and Recreation to offer All-Skills Mini Camps for beginner athletes in the 2nd-5th grade!

Mini camp will cover in detail all skills: setting-passing- hitting- serving- footwork- basic coordination along with mindset of what takes to be great on and off the court.

These mini camps are designed to inspire athletes through detailed volleyball instruction to be relentless in their pursuit of excellence in whatever they chose to do.

Mini camp will take place at West Homewood Athletic Facility: 123 W Oxmoor Rd, Homewood, Al 35209

Bring Atheltic gear- water bottle- hair up.

This mini camp is open to all: you don’t need to be Homewood resident or Blockout Member to participate.

All Skills Mini Camp 8th-12th Grade $40 per class Purchase required to enroll

We are partnering with Homewood Parks and Recreation to offer All skill mini camps for High School athletes on April 13th

Time: 12-2pm

Mini camp will cover in detail all skills: setting-passing- hitting- serving -blocking along with mindset of what takes to be great on and off the court.

These mini camps are designed to inspire athletes through detailed volleyball instruction to be relentless in their pursuit of excellence in whatever they chose to do.

Mini camp will take place at West Homewood Athletic Facility: 123 W Oxmoor Rd, Homewood, Al 35209

Bring Atheltic gear- water bottle- hair up. This is not a beginner camp

This mini camp is open to all: you don’t need to be Homewood resident or Blockout Member to participate.

All Skill Mini Camp 6th-8th grade $40 per class Purchase required to enroll

We are partnering with Homewood Parks and Recreation to offer All skill mini camps for middle school age.

Time: 9:00-10:30

Mini camp will cover in detail all skills: setting-passing- hitting- serving -blocking along with mindset of what it takes to be great on and off the court.

These mini camps are designed to inspire athletes through detailed volleyball instruction to be relentless in their pursuit of excellence in whatever they chose to do.

Mini camp will take place at West Homewood Athletic Facility: 123 W Oxmoor Rd, Homewood, Al 35209

Bring Atheltic gear- water bottle- hair up. No prior experience needed.

This mini camp is open to all: you don’t need to be Homewood resident or Blockout Member to participate.


1 on 1 Training With Coach DJ Taylor

Coach DJ will work with our athletes to develop strength in musculature that will enhance jumping and moving with competence along with injury prevention.

1 session/ $100 per
10 sessions/ $850

2+ sessions per week out of sport season
1-2 session per week in season

Please contact hello@blockoutacademy.com to check availability.

1 on 1 Strength Training with Coach Jared

Coach Jared will work with our athletes to develop strength in musculature that will enhance jumping and moving with competence along with injury prevention.

1 session/ $100 per
10 sessions/ $850

2+ sessions per week out of sport season
1-2 session per week in season

Please contact hello@blockoutacademy.com to check availability.

1:1 Recruitment Coaching $75 per class No purchase required to enroll


6th-8th Grade Limited Experience All Skill Boot Camp Purchase required to enroll

This is a great intro program to all skills and strength for 7/8th grade with limited experience. It will be three weeks long with two classes per week (December 4th - December 20th).

This bootcamp is loaded with detailed instruction and repetition along with mental coaching on what it takes to be great.

Strength and Conditioning class included with the program.

* Current annual membership fee ($119 for single athlete or $179 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.
optional: premium membership (single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

BEGINNER/ LIMITED EXPERIENCE 7/8th GRADE $375 Purchase required to enroll

All Skill Beginner Camp is an awesome opportunity for athletes the are in town and are getting their foot into volleyball or have very limited experience (Rec league) and need tons of repetition and instruction! This is not for an advanced MS athlete.

This camp covers setting, passing, hitting, serving and tips on what it takes to be great and make great athlete and volleyball player.

Other requirements for enrollment:

We will allow non-members to participate for additional $50 fee.

Current annual membership fee ($99 for single athlete or $139 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.

optional: premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

If you are new to Blockout you must select minimum newcomer plan ( 3 clinic plan) or larger plan, before you can drop in to a single session.

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

Middle School All-Skills Boot Camp Purchase required to enroll

Middle School All-skills Boot Camp is an awesome opportunity for athletes who want to elevate to the next level in all areas of skills and strength. Open to and encouraging athletes of all positions hence its all skills boot camp. Coaches will offer tons of repetition and instruction!

This boot camp will last for three weeks and training will cover setting, passing, hitting, serving and tips on what it takes to be great and sharpen up all fundamentals.

*This course requires a membership.

Current annual membership fee ($119 for single athlete or $179 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.
optional: premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

HIGH SCHOOL ALL SKILL CAMP $375 Purchase required to enroll

All Skill High School camp is an awesome opportunity for rising 9th-12th grade athletes who are gearing up for their school season.

This camp is for competitive athletes only with multiple years of experience. Open to and encouraging all positions hence its all skill camp.This camp will offer tons of repetition and instruction! If your athlete is rising 9th grader and new to BlockOut please contact us before enrolling (hello@blockoutacademy.com)

Monthly Camp gives your athlete total of 8 hours of training and covers setting, passing, hitting, serving and tips on what it takes to be great and sharpen up your skills!

We Highly Encourage adding Strength and Conditioning class before camp 12-1pm (cost $125) (please let us know if you would like to add this).Other requirements for enrollment:

We will allow non-members to participate for additional $50 fee.

If you wish to purchase yearly membership here are the options:

Current annual membership fee ($99 for single athlete or $139 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.
optional: premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close classes/camps registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

MS All-Skills Camp From $125 per visit with Non-BOA Member Pass pass Purchase required to enroll

Are you looking to get extra reps before the school season begins? This is a great fit for Middle School athletes to work all skills. This is a 3-hour All Skills camp that will work skills including serve, serve receive, hitting, blocking, and defense.

WHO: Current MS athletes (6th-8th).

COST: Total price for this camp is $150.

REQUIREMENT: Current annual membership fee ($119 for single athlete or $179 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants OR Premium membership (single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

ELITE/ COLLEGIATE BOA SUMMER CAMP $500 Purchase required to enroll

This camp is designed for higher level varsity athlete or collegiate prospects. This class is for a high drive athlete in pursuit of excellence in 3 areas: technical, physical and mental performance.

Every day consists of one 1 hour volleyball skill work, and hour strength training.

This is an invite only class- must be invited, recommended by a coach or approved by BOA staff prior to enrolling.

*Must have current annual membership fee to enroll/ or $50 extra fee would be charged.

Please contact us if you are new to the program and unsure if this is a right fit for you: text START to 205-498-8153

High School Hitting/Blocking Summer Camp $250 per class Purchase required to enroll

This camp is full of repetition & instruction loaded focusing on improving hitting, blocking, and footwork.

Great opportunity for high school athletes who have busy schedule but want to hop in the gym for two days to improve their skills, mentality, and confidence!

This is not a beginner camp! If you have no prior experience please contact us and we will suggest the correct class/camp

Earlybird special! If you sign-up before May 22nd you can use code "SUMMER15" for 15% off the camp price!
**Coupon may not be combined, applied to other services, or used after expiration date. **

Nonmembers who sign up will be charged an additional $25 to attend.

HS Serve, Serve Receive, Defense Clinic Purchase required to enroll

This Clinic is 60 minutes of high repetition & instruction loaded working on exclusively defense.

Great opportunity for high school athletes who have busy weekly schedule but want to add on to their defensive skills, develop a defensive mentality, and gain confidence in their passing.

This is not a beginner camp! If you have no prior experience please contact us and we will suggest the correct class/camp

MS Defense Mini Camp $100 per class From $125 per visit with Non-BOA Member Pass pass Purchase required to enroll

This Mini Camp is 2 hours of high repetition & instruction loaded working on exclusively defense.

Great opportunity for middle school athletes who have busy weekly schedule but want to add on to their defensive skills, develop a defensive mentality, and gain confidence in their passing.

This is not a beginner camp! If you have no prior experience please contact us and we will suggest the correct class/camp

Open to members for $100 and Non-Members for $125 Payment is due at enrollment.

** We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

HS Setting Mini Camp $100 per class From $125 per visit with Non-BOA Member Pass pass Purchase required to enroll

This Mini Camp is 2 hours loaded with tons of repetition for setting skills that include: hand positioning, ball control, wrist and hand flexibility and strengthening, setting IQ, precision, footwork, setter attacks , etc.

Great opportunity for high school athletes who have busy weekly schedule but want to further their development, focus on their setting skills, build confidence, and increase their setter's IQ!

This is not a beginner camp. If you have no prior experience please contact us and we will suggest the correct class/camp

Open to members for $100 and Non-Members for $125 Payment is due at enrollment.

If you want to become a member the fees are below:

* Current Annual membership fee ($99 for single athlete or $149 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.

* Optional: Premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly membership fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

High Development All-Skills Summer Camp (7th/8th Grade) $300 Purchase required to enroll

This Summer Camp closes the gap between beginners and advanced Middle Schoolers and offers competitive and advanced skill training for the athletes who are younger, but more advanced than their peers.

Middle School High Development Summer Camp is a great opportunity for middle school athletes who are gearing up for their 8th grade school season.

This camp is for competitive athletes only, with multiple years of skill training and playing experience.

This camp will offer tons of repetition and instruction on all skills!

Earlybird special! If you sign-up before May 22nd you can use code "SUMMER15" for 15% off the camp price!
**Coupon may not be combined, applied to other services, or used after expiration date. **

Nonmembers who sign up will be charged an additional $50 to attend.

Beginner/Limited Experience Camp $225 Purchase required to enroll

All Skill Beginner/Limited Experince Camp is an awesome opportunity for athletes the are in town and are getting their foot into volleyball or have very limited experience (Rec league) and need tons of repetition and instruction! This is not for an advanced MS athlete.

This camp covers setting, passing, hitting, serving and tips on what it takes to be great and make great athlete and volleyball player.

Other requirements for enrollment:

We will allow non-members to participate for additional $25 fee.

Current annual membership fee ($99 for single athlete or $ 159 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.

optional: premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

HS All Skill Camp $250 Purchase required to enroll

All Skill High School class is an awesome opportunity for rising 9th-12th grade athletes who are gearing up for their school season.

This class is for competitive athletes only with multiple years of experience. Open to and encouraging all positions hence its all skill camp. This class will offer tons of repetition and instruction!

If your athlete is rising 9th grader and new to BlockOut please contact us before enrolling (hello@blockoutacademy.com)

This Camp covers setting, passing, hitting, serving and tips on what it takes to be great and sharpen up your skills!

Middle School Serve, Serve Receive, Defense Summer Camp $250 Purchase required to enroll

This Camp will be focusing on fundamentals of standing float serve and passing (defense + serve receive + floor work).

This is not a beginner/limited experience. Athlete must have understanding and previous experience (training) of the above skills.

Rec League or multiple years of rec do not count towards training.

Earlybird special! If you sign-up before May 22nd you can use code "SUMMER15" for 15% off the camp price!
**Coupon may not be combined, applied to other services, or used after expiration date. **

Nonmembers who sign up will be charged an additional $25 to attend.

MS Hitting/Blocking Summer Camp $250 Purchase required to enroll

This 2 day summer camp is designed to improve all aspects of hitting, blocking, and footwork. This camp is a high intensity, high repetition camp and we are looking for the athletes who are relentless in their pursuit of excellence. This class is open for any position who is working on enhancing their offense.

Enrollment is limited to 12 athletes.

Earlybird special! If you sign-up before May 22nd you can use code "SUMMER15" for 15% off the camp price!
**Coupon may not be combined, applied to other services, or used after expiration date. **

Nonmembers who sign up will be charged an additional $25 to attend.

Evangel Team Camp Free No purchase required to enroll

Tacky Christmas Queen of the Court Tournament $90 Purchase required to enroll

This will be a Christmas themed event hosted by BlockOut Volleyball Academy and held at Lawson State Community College gym. We are so excited to invite volleyball athletes from all over the city to come and enter with their parent(or adult) to have a blast and a chance to win cool prizes!

We will have a bracket for Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers and everyone is encouraged to come in their best tacky Christmas outfits. We will pick a tacky Christmas winner and players will compete to win in both brackets.

****IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND YOU MUST FILL OUT THIS FORM: https://forms.gle/rqt9QwTqDonp9j5h6 ****

Date: December 16th, 2023
Time: 10:00 - 12:00 PM
Location: 3060 Wilson Rd SW, Birmingham, AL 35221
Cost: $90/team
- $5 admission ticket
Prizes: Winning teams will receive free BOA merchandise ( sweatshirt and beanie) and a $100 credit to be used for any services at BOA.
- Tacky Christmas winner will receive a $50 VISA gift card and bragging rights on our Instagram Page.

This will be a fun event where we hope that everyone has a good time while we play volleyball and spread some Christmas cheer. We will play by Queen of the Court Rules, so there will only be two people per team and you can only score points on the queen side of the court. We will do deep court only- no balls inside of 10ft line.


Setter Country Tiers 1 & 2 Group 2-4 Purchase required to enroll

This class is designed for 2-4 athletes, preferable of similar skill level, wanting their own time with BOA coaches. Athletes will need to be beginner or intermediate setters in order to participate in this group training. They will work on all things setter- hand placement, footwork, setter IQ, etc.

*$85 is price per athlete per session.

* Current annual membership fee ($119 for single athlete or $179 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.
optional: premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

Setter Country Tier 3 Group 2-4 Purchase required to enroll

This class is designed for 2-4 athletes, preferable of similar skill level, wanting their own time with BOA coaches. Athletes will need to be Tier 3 Setter Country athletes in order to participate in this group training. They will work on all things setter- hand placement, footwork, setter IQ, etc.

*$85 is price per athlete per session.

* Current annual membership fee ($119 for single athlete or $179 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.
optional: premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

MS Hitting Group 2-4 Purchase required to enroll

This class is designed for 2-4 athletes, preferable of similar skill level, wanting their own time with BOA coaches. Athletes will work on hitting, blocking, and footwork for an hour long session.

*$85 is price per athlete per session.

* Current annual membership fee ($119 for single athlete or $179 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.
optional: premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

HS Hitting Group 2-4 Purchase required to enroll

This class is designed for 2-4 athletes, preferable of similar skill level, wanting their own time with BOA coaches. Athletes will work on hitting, blocking, and footwork for an hour long session.

*$85 is price per athlete per session.

* Current annual membership fee ($119 for single athlete or $179 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.
optional: premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

MS Passing Group 2-4 Purchase required to enroll

This class is designed for 2-4 athletes, preferable of similar skill level, wanting their own time with BOA coaches. Athletes will work on all things defense for an hour long session.

*$85 is price per athlete per session.

* Current annual membership fee ($119 for single athlete or $179 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.
optional: premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

HS Passing Group 2-4 Purchase required to enroll

This class is designed for 2-4 athletes, preferable of similar skill level, wanting their own time with BOA coaches. Athletes will work on all things defense for an hour long session.

*$85 is price per athlete per session.

* Current annual membership fee ($119 for single athlete or $179 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.
optional: premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

Group 2-4 athletes private Purchase required to enroll

This class is designed for 2-4 athletes, preferable of similar skill level, wanting their own time with BOA coaches. The idea is for siblings or friends to be able to train together. The parents and the athletes should determine who they want in this class and make arrangements with each other for enrollment. This class would not be open to other athletes.

*$85 is price per athlete per session.

* Current annual membership fee ($119 for single athlete or $179 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.
optional: premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

Individual with Coach Nev Purchase required to enroll

Coach Nev is a high energy coach eager to
work with anybody who desires a path to the greatness! Straight forward and detail oriented, athletes will walk out energized, improved and wanting more! She is Mental Performance Mastery coach and puts correct mindset and fundamental skills as a priority.

She works all skills, all age groups- beginner to professional. Passionate about developing setters.

Any private session can be made into a custom 2-4 athlete class or a custom group class up to 12 athletes. If you would like to do any of those options, please make sure you let us know so we can ensure proper billing/ scheduling.

The price for the custom 2-4athlete session is $85 per athlete per session.

The price for larger custom group is TBD based upon number of athletes and session frequency.

* Must have current annual registration fee $129 for a single athlete or $189 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com.

Individual With Coach Mekaila Purchase required to enroll

Mekaila is a Birmingham native. She started playing volleyball in 7th grade. Coach Mekaila played varsity all 4 years at Clay Chalkville High School followed by two years volleyball journey at Lawson State while studying pre- medicine. She started coaching at BlockOut in June 2018. Coach Mekaila loves working with athletes of all ages. She is an outside hitter in college and loves working with hitters as well as defensive players

* Current Annual Membership Fee ($129 for single athlete or $189 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.

* Optional Premium Membership Fee (single athlete $199/multiple athletes in familly $259- includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

Private with Coach Marley Purchase required to enroll


This is a drop in class is for higher level varsity athlete or collegiate prospects. This class is for a high drive athlete in pursuit of excellence in 3 areas: technical, physical and mental performance.

Every Class consists of one hour volleyball skills training focused on improving on your Hitting/Blocking.
This is an invite only class- must be invited, recommended by a coach or approved by BOA staff prior to enrolling.

Other requirements to enroll:

*Must have current annual membership fee to enroll.

* Current Annual membership fee ($99 for single athlete or $149 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.

* Optional: Premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly membership fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

*If you are new to Blockout, you must select minimum newcomer plan (3 clinic plan) or larger plan before you can drop into a single session.

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

Please contact us if you are new to the program and unsure if this is a right fit for you: text START to 205-498-8153

Elite Varsity Hitting / Blocking Purchase required to enroll

This class is for higher level varsity athlete or collegiate prospects focusing on hitting and blocking. This class is for a high drive athlete in pursuit of excellence in 3 areas: technical, physical and mental performance.

WHO: High-level varsity or collegiate attackers looking to work on hitting/blocking skills.

Questions? Send us an email at hello@blockoutacademy.com. Please contact us if you are new to the program and unsure if this is a right fit for you: text START to 205-498-8153

School of Volleyball - Tier 2 Purchase required to enroll

School of Volleyball builds a base of fundamentals, movement, mental and physical performance needing to excel at volleyball.

Top focus of every class is holding athletes accountable to work towards clear set goals in order to gain unshakable confidence and learn strategies to ensure success both on and off the court.

School of Volleyball Tier 2 a great class for athletes in 6th grade who are planning to tryout for Middle School Teams. To be eligible for this class the athlete must complete Tier 1 program first or be evaluated by Coach Nev before being placed in Tier 2 group.

Spring training is a 16 week commitment (32 classes beginning January 2nd-April 25th)

Martin Luther Kind Day: Classes ON as scheduled.

Valentines Day: Classes ON as scheduled.

No Spring Break
Classes (TBA)

Monthly Fees: there will be 4 payments of $395 for Spring Training (billed on the 1st of the month unless other arrangements were made) There is a spot hold fee of $200 (collected December 1st). This would be credited to first month payment.

Registration Fee: All participants must have current membership fee $119 or $179 for multiple kids. Once expired we will automatically bill renewal if you are in 16 week program. Premium membership $199 or $259 for multiple family members (includes Free mental performance clinics and 2 shirts are included reminds the same).

Drop-Out Policy - The last day to drop-out without financial responsibility is November 30th. If the athlete wishes to drop out after the drop-out period, you will still be financially responsible for the remainder entire program tuition. If the athlete drops out due to injury/illness, a doctor’s note will be required to receive credit for the future lessons. The credit will have 30 days expiration date from the time athlete is released.

If athlete drops out due to relocating- we will need documentation of moving.

Make-up: Athletes are eligible to make up 2 classes per entire program (16 weeks); If joined late 1 class per 8 weeks; The make up classes will be assigned monthly for Middle School and High School level (Weekend drop in clinics are NOT a make up classes). There will be no additional make up classes given.

Drama: There will be no drama tolerated. We ask that athletes respect themselves, other athletes and coaches.

Weather: If classes are canceled per weather advisory there will be NO MAKE up classes for our programs.

Declined Cards: If the cards are declined on the billing cycle there will be declined card $35 charge.

Drop in- clinics/ Other programs: If athlete desires to participate in other clinics, programs and privates they can go and register online at least 48 hours before program/class starts.

Performance Discussion: We encourage the athlete to ask questions regarding performance. If you wish to set up meeting and discuss goals/ progress etc we can- it will be billed at hourly rate.

QUESTIONS? Email us at hello@blockoutacademy.com

Beginner/Limited Experience Clinic Purchase required to enroll

Beginner Drop In is an awesome opportunity for athletes the are in town and are getting their foot into volleyball or have very limited experience (Rec league) and need tons of repetition and instruction! This is not for an advanced MS athlete.

This class covers setting, passing, hitting, serving and tips on what it takes to be great and make great athlete and volleyball player.

School of Volleyball Purchase required to enroll

School of Volleyball builds a base of fundamentals, movement, mental and physical performance needing to excel at volleyball.

Top focus of every class is holding athletes accountable to work towards clear set goals in order to gain unshakable confidence and learn strategies to ensure success both on and off the court.

School of Volleyball is a great class for athletes who are new to volleyball & would like to learn in a beginner environment. We will have one class limited to 12 athletes with multiple coaches present and the girls will be split by skill level. Open to athletes in the 4th - 7th Grade.

Monthly Fees: There will be 4 payments of $395 for School of Volleyball (billed on the 1st of the month unless other arrangements were made)

Registration Fee: All participants must have current membership fee $129 or $189 for multiple kids. Once expired we will automatically bill renewal if you are in 16 week program. Premium membership $199 or $259 for multiple family members (includes Free mental performance clinics and 2 shirts are included reminds the same).

Drama: There will be no drama tolerated. We ask that athletes respect themselves, other athletes and coaches.

Weather: If classes are canceled per weather advisory there will be NO MAKE up classes for our programs.

Declined Cards: If the cards are declined on the billing cycle there will be declined card $35 charge.

QUESTIONS? Email us at hello@blockoutacademy.com

HS Defense, Serve, & Serve Receive $75 per class From $125 per visit with Non-BOA Member Pass pass Purchase required to enroll

This class is a great fit for all HS athletes wanting to work exclusively on defense and serve receive. This is a fast-paced competitive class. Open to athletes in all positions that want to enhance their passing. The top focus of every class is holding athletes accountable to work towards clear set goals in order to gain unshakable confidence and learn strategies to ensure success both on and off the court.
This clinic is a drop-in class, therefore, you would need to enroll in every class you wish to attend. Drop-in classes are $75. We also offer a Drop-In Plan, which will allow multiple visits at discounted prices.

WHO: Current high school athletes looking to train their passing and defense exclusively.

COST: Total price for this program is $100 for BOA members. Price for non-members is $125. Enrollment is limited to 12 participants.

REQUIREMENT: Current annual membership fee ($199 for single athlete or $179 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants OR Premium membership (single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

Drop-Out Policy: If the athlete wishes to drop out, you will still be financially responsible for the remainder entire program tuition. If the athlete drops out due to injury/illness, a doctor’s note will be required to receive credit for the future lessons. The credit will have 30 days expiration date from the time athlete is released.

Questions? Email us at hello@blockoutacademy.com

MS Defense, Serve, & Serve Receive From $125 per visit with Non-BOA Member Pass pass Purchase required to enroll

This class is a great fit for all MS athletes wanting to work exclusively on defense and serve receive. This is a fast-paced competitive class. Open to athletes in all positions that want to enhance their passing. The top focus of every class is holding athletes accountable to work towards clear set goals in order to gain unshakable confidence and learn strategies to ensure success both on and off the court.
This clinic is a drop-in class, therefore, you would need to enroll in every class you wish to attend. Drop-in classes are $75. We also offer a Drop-In Plan, which will allow multiple visits at discounted prices.

WHO: Current middle school athletes looking to train their passing and defense exclusively.

COST: Total price for this program is $100 for BOA members. Price for non-members is $125. Enrollment is limited to 12 participants.

REQUIREMENT: Current annual membership fee ($199 for single athlete or $179 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants OR Premium membership (single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

Drop-Out Policy: If the athlete wishes to drop out, you will still be financially responsible for the remainder entire program tuition. If the athlete drops out due to injury/illness, a doctor’s note will be required to receive credit for the future lessons. The credit will have 30 days expiration date from the time athlete is released.

Questions? Email us at hello@blockoutacademy.com

MS Serve, Serve Receive, Defense Boot Camp Purchase required to enroll

This is a great opportunity for 7th-8th graders who are looking to further their passing skills (1st contact: serve, serve receive, defense, and diving). This boot camp can be for volleyball players of any position especially Liberos/DS.

MS Serve, Serve Receive, Defense Boot Camp is a 3 week course. These 6 classes are loaded with repetition of skills that include: movement/footwork/reaction; platform work/angles and stability/serve receive, floor work, ball pursuit etc. Fun but challenging, these sessions are designed to inspire athletes to be relentless in their pursuit of excellence. Classes consist of one-hour skills training & one hour strength & conditioning twice a week.

**Annual Membership required to participate in this class**

HS Serve, Serve Receive, Defense Boot Camp Purchase required to enroll

This is a great opportunity for Rising 9-12th graders who are looking to further their passing skills (1st contact: serve, serve receive, defense, diving). This boot camp can be for athletes of any position especially Liberos/DS.

HS Passing Boot Camp is a 3 week course. These 6 classes that are loaded with repetition of skills that include: movement/footwork/reaction; platform work/angles and stability/serve receive, ball pursuit etc. Fun but challenging, these sessions are designed to inspire athletes to be relentless in their pursuit of excellence. This class consists of one-hour skills training & one hour strength & conditioning.

**Annual Membership is required to participate in this class**

MS Serve, Serve Receive & Defense School Purchase required to enroll

MS Serve, Serve receive, defense school is a great opportunity for rising middle schoolers who are looking to further their first contact skills. This school is loaded with repetition of skills that include: movement/footwork/reaction; platform work and angles and stability and serve receive, ball pursuit etc. Great course for passing ball control, first contact, reaction time, footwork, serve receive. This class consists of one hour skill training and one hour strength & conditioning.

PROGRAM LENGTH:This is a 6 week program, consisting of 2 classes per week (1hr skill and + 1hr strength).

COST: The price for the entire program is $750. This can be paid upon registration in full or our staff can split in two payments. We are also giving $200 off for second and third course if you wish to sign up for multiple courses. Please email hello@blockoutacademy.com with your athletes name, course name, and how we can help if you wish to make a payment plan or sign up for multiple courses.

REQUIREMENT: Current annual membership fee ($119 for single athlete or $179 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants OR Premium membership (single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

QUESTIONS? Email us at hello@blockoutacademy.com

Freshman/JV Spring Training Purchase required to enroll

Freshman/JV is a class designed to develop all skills, physical and mental performance. High repetition classes are designed to elevate all skills and build confidence.

Here is a video of the Spring training info meeting:

Spring training is a 16 week commitment (classes beginning January 1st/3rd- April 29/30th)

Martin Luther King Jr Day: Classes ON as scheduled.

Valentines Day: Classes ON as scheduled.

No Spring Break
Classes (TBA)

Monthly Fees: there will be 4 payments of $500 for Spring Training (billed on the 1st of the month unless other arrangements were made) There is a spot hold fee of $200 (collected December 1st). This would be credited to first month payment.

Registration Fee: All participants must have current membership fee $129 or $189 for multiple kids. Once expired we will automatically bill renewal if you are in 16 week program. Premium membership $199 or $259 for multiple family members (includes Free mental performance clinics and 2 shirts are included reminds the same).

Drop-Out Policy - If the athlete wishes to drop out after the drop-out period, you will still be financially responsible for the remainder entire program tuition. If the athlete drops out due to injury/illness, a doctor’s note will be required to receive credit for the future lessons. The credit will have 30 days expiration date from the time athlete is released.

If athlete drops out due to relocating- we will need documentation of moving.

Drama: There will be no drama tolerated. We ask that athletes respect themselves, other athletes and coaches.

Weather: If classes are canceled per weather advisory there will be NO MAKE up classes for our programs.

Declined Cards: If the cards are declined on the billing cycle there will be declined card $35 charge.

Drop in- clinics/ Other programs: If athlete desires to participate in other clinics, programs and privates they can go and register online at least 48 hours before program/class starts.

Performance Discussion: We encourage the athlete to ask questions regarding performance. If you wish to set up meeting and discuss goals/ progress etc we can- it will be billed at hourly rate.

QUESTIONS? Email us at hello@blockoutacademy.com

JV/Varsity Spring Training Purchase required to enroll

JV/VARSITY Spring Training is class designed to enhance all skills along with physical and mental performance. High repetition classes are designed to elevate all skills and build confidence. This class is for competitive HS Athletes who are wanting to improve in off season without having to travel.

Spring training is a 16 week commitment (32 classes beginning January 1st/3rd- April 22nd/24th)

Martin Luther Kind Day: Classes ON as scheduled.

Valentines Day: Classes ON as scheduled.

No Spring Break
Classes (TBA)

Monthly Fees: there will be 4 payments of $500 for Spring Training (billed on the 1st of the month unless other arrangements were made) There is a spot hold fee of $200 (collected December 1st). This would be credited to first month payment.

Registration Fee: All participants must have current membership fee $119 or $179 for multiple kids. Once expired we will automatically bill renewal if you are in 16 week program. Premium membership $199 or $259 for multiple family members (includes Free mental performance clinics and 2 shirts are included reminds the same).

Drop-Out Policy - The last day to drop-out without financial responsibility is November 30th. If the athlete wishes to drop out after the drop-out period, you will still be financially responsible for the remainder entire program tuition. If the athlete drops out due to injury/illness, a doctor’s note will be required to receive credit for the future lessons. The credit will have 30 days expiration date from the time athlete is released.

If athlete drops out due to relocating- we will need documentation of moving.

Make-up: Athletes are eligible to make up 2 classes per entire program (16 weeks); If joined late 1 class per 8 weeks; The make up classes will be assigned monthly for Middle School and High School level (Weekend drop in clinics are NOT a make up classes). There will be no additional make up classes given.

Drama: There will be no drama tolerated. We ask that athletes respect themselves, other athletes and coaches.

Weather: If classes are canceled per weather advisory there will be NO MAKE up classes for our programs.

Declined Cards: If the cards are declined on the billing cycle there will be declined card $35 charge.

Drop in- clinics/ Other programs: If athlete desires to participate in other clinics, programs and privates they can go and register online at least 48 hours before program/class starts.

Performance Discussion: We encourage the athlete to ask questions regarding performance. If you wish to set up meeting and discuss goals/ progress etc we can- it will be billed at hourly rate.

QUESTIONS? Email us at hello@blockoutacademy.com

Setter Country Tier 2 Purchase required to enroll

Setter Country is a unique and only program in Alabama designed to teach and enhance all things setter in progressive manner:

Great setters- have great setter coaches and dive in details and are consistent in their effort and their progression.

Lessons are progressive in nature and loaded with repetition of skills that include:

1. Hand positioning

2. Ball control

3. Wrist and hand flexibility and strengthening

4. Core and upper back flexibility and strengthening

5. Setting IQ,

6. Accuracy

7. Footwork

8. Setter Attacks

9. Video analyses

10. Mindset

Fun but challenging, these sessions are designed to inspire athletes to be relentless in their pursuit of excellence.

Tier 2 requirements for enrollment:

1. Must do private and be approved by Coach Nev if new to Blockout Academy prior enrollment.

2. Must have at least 6 training hours in a month to stay in program. ( If missing lessons will have to schedule private to make up and stay eligible)

3. Must be 13 and up

4. Must have at least 1 season setting experience and 2 years playing volleyball( Rec league doesn’t count)

5. Must be open to feedback and eager to make changes.

6. Must do “homework” assigned by coach.

7. Must be respectful to the other setters

HS Hitting/Blocking Boot Camp Purchase required to enroll

This is a great opportunity for Rising 9-12th graders who are looking to further their Hitting/Blocking skills. HS Hitting/Blocking Boot Camp is a 3 week course. These 6 classes are loaded with repetition of skills that include: hitting and blocking footwork, explosiveness/timing/wrist snap/mobility/precision/positioning etc. Fun but challenging, these sessions are designed to inspire athletes to be relentless in their pursuit of excellence.

**Annual Membership is required to participate in this class**

MS Hitting/Blocking Purchase required to enroll

MS Hitting/Blocking Clinic is a class to work on hitting and blocking skills. Top focus of every class is holding athletes accountable to work towards clear set goals in order to gain unshakable confidence and learn strategies to ensure success both on and off the court.
This clinic is a drop-in class, therefore, you would need to enroll in every class you wish to attend. Drop-in classes are $75. We also offer Drop-In Plans which allow multiple visits at discounted prices.

WHO: Current MS (6th-8th grade) who are looking to strengthen their armswing.

COST: Total price for this program is $1000. Current yearly membership required. A payment of $500 will be collected October 1, 2023 and November 1, 2023. If spots are available, late enrollment is allowed and will be prorated. Enrollment is limited to 12 athletes.

REQUIREMENT: Current annual membership fee ($119 for single athlete or $179 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants OR Premium membership (single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

Drop-Out Policy: If the athlete wishes to drop out, you will still be financially responsible for the remainder entire program tuition. If the athlete drops out due to injury/illness, a doctor’s note will be required to receive credit for the future lessons. The credit will have 30 days expiration date from the time athlete is released.

Questions? Email us hello@blockoutacademy.com

MS Passing Purchase required to enroll

This is a great fit for Middle School athletes 7th/8th grade to work exclusively on their passing skills. You can expect to work on footwork, point of contact, and accuracy.

MS Setting/Passing class is considered a drop-in class.

COST: Total price for this course is $1000. Current yearly membership required. A payment of $500 will be collected October 1, 2023 and November 1, 2023. If spots are available, late enrollment is allowed and will be prorated. Enrollment is limited to 12 athletes.

REQUIREMENT: Current annual membership fee ($119 for single athlete or $179 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants OR Premium membership (single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

DROP-OUT POLICY: If the athlete wishes to drop out, you will still be financially responsible for the remainder entire program tuition. If the athlete drops out due to injury/illness, a doctor’s note will be required to receive credit for the future lessons. The credit will have 30 days expiration date from the time athlete is released.

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

QUESTIONS? Email us at hello@blockoutacademy.com

7th/8th Grade All-Skills Summer Camp $125 per class Purchase required to enroll

This one day Summer Camp is great for 7th/8th athletes who have a busy schedule and want to hop in the gym and work on all-skills. Limited to 12 athletes, small groups allow for personal engagement and easy bonding with other athletes. This camp should fire up your daughter to pursue volleyball and encourage her best!

Earlybird special! If you sign-up before May 22nd you can use code "SUMMER15" for 15% off the camp price!
**Coupon may not be combined, applied to other services, or used after expiration date. **

Nonmembers who sign up will be charged an additional $25 to attend.

9th-12th Grade All-Skills Summer Camp $125 per class Purchase required to enroll

This one day Summer Camp is great for High School athletes who have a busy schedule and want to hop in the gym and work on all-skills. Limited to 12 athletes, small groups allow for personal engagement and easy bonding with other athletes. This camp should fire up your daughter to pursue volleyball and encourage her best!

Earlybird special! If you sign-up before May 22nd you can use code "SUMMER15" for 15% off the camp price!
**Coupon may not be combined, applied to other services, or used after expiration date. **

Nonmembers who sign up will be charged an additional $25 to attend.

All Skills Summer Camp - 12 yrs & under $100 per class From $125 per visit with Non-BOA Member Pass pass Purchase required to enroll

This is a great opportunity for athletes to get exposed to volleyball fundamental in an encouraging and detail-oriented environment. Small groups allow for personal engagement and easy bonding with other athletes. This camp should fire up your daughter to pursue volleyball and encourage her best!

Rising 7th-8th Spring Training Purchase required to enroll

Spring training for rising 7th grade advanced and 8th grade with limited experience. This class is focused on ALL fundamentals and right mindset for the tryouts. Top focus of every class is holding athletes accountable to work towards clear set goals in order to gain unshakable confidence and learn strategies to ensure success both on and off the court. All of our classes are high level of detailed instruction and repetition.

Here is a video of the Spring training info meeting:

Spring training is a 16 week commitment (classes beginning January 1st/3rd- April 29/30th)

Martin Luther King Jr Day: Classes ON as scheduled.

Valentines Day: Classes ON as scheduled.

No Spring Break
Classes (TBA)

Monthly Fees: there will be 4 payments of $500 for Spring Training (billed on the 1st of the month unless other arrangements were made) There is a spot hold fee of $200 (collected December 1st). This would be credited to first month payment.

Registration Fee: All participants must have current membership fee $129 or $189 for multiple kids. Once expired we will automatically bill renewal if you are in 16 week program. Premium membership $199 or $259 for multiple family members (includes Free mental performance clinics and 2 shirts are included reminds the same).

Drop-Out Policy - If the athlete wishes to drop out after the drop-out period, you will still be financially responsible for the remainder entire program tuition. If the athlete drops out due to injury/illness, a doctor’s note will be required to receive credit for the future lessons. The credit will have 30 days expiration date from the time athlete is released.

If athlete drops out due to relocating- we will need documentation of moving.

Drama: There will be no drama tolerated. We ask that athletes respect themselves, other athletes and coaches.

Weather: If classes are canceled per weather advisory there will be NO MAKE up classes for our programs.

Declined Cards: If the cards are declined on the billing cycle there will be declined card $35 charge.

Performance Discussion: We encourage the athlete to ask questions regarding performance. If you wish to set up meeting and discuss goals/ progress etc we can- it will be billed at hourly rate.

QUESTIONS? Email us at hello@blockoutacademy.com

VolleySeeds Purchase required to enroll

This is a great introductory program for our youngest athletes. During these sessions our goal is to introduce athletics to the girls, basic movements and coordination, team work and confidence throughout the fundamentals of volleyball, all while instilling excitement and love for the game in each player. Plant the seed and watch them grow!

WHO: Beginner athletes ages (5-10 years old) looking for introductory skills training.

COST: Total price for a single class is $50 You could also do a plan for $200 ( 5 lessons)

Questions? Email us hello@blockoutacademy.com

MS Hitting/Blocking School Purchase required to enroll

This is a great opportunity for middle schoolers who are looking to further their hitting and blocking skills. This school is loaded with repetition of skills that include: hitting and blocking footwork, explosiveness, timing, wrist snap, mobility, precision, and positioning.

PROGRAM LENGTH:This is a 6 week program, consisting of 2 classes per week (1hr skill and + 1hr strength).

COST: The price for the entire program is $750. This can be paid upon registration in full or our staff can split in two payments. We are also giving $200 off for second and third course if you wish to sign up for multiple courses. Please email hello@blockoutacademy.com with your athletes name, course name, and how we can help if you wish to make a payment plan or sign up for multiple courses.

REQUIREMENT: Current annual membership fee ($119 for single athlete or $179 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants OR Premium membership (single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

QUESTIONS? Email us at hello@blockoutacademy.com

HS Hitting/Blocking Development $300 Purchase required to enroll

This is a great opportunity for high schoolers who are looking to further their hitting and blocking skills. This program is loaded with repetition of skills that include: hitting and blocking footwork, explosiveness, timing, wrist snap, mobility, precision, and positioning, etc.

Other requirements for enrollment:

Member price: $300 / Non-Member $350

* Current annual membership fee ($119 for single athlete or $179 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.
optional: premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

HS Serve, Serve Receive, Defense School Purchase required to enroll

This is a great opportunity for high schoolers who are looking to further their passing skills. This program is loaded with repetition of skills that include: movement/footwork/reaction; platform work/angles and stability/serve receive, ball pursuit etc. Great for passing ball control, first contact, reaction time, footwork, serve receive. Fun but challenging, these sessions are designed to inspire athletes to be relentless in their pursuit of excellence.

PROGRAM LENGTH:This is a 6 week program, consisting of 2 classes per week (1hr skill and + 1hr strength).

COST: The price for the entire program is $750. This can be paid upon registration in full or our staff can split in two payments. We are also giving $200 off for second and third course if you wish to sign up for multiple courses. Please email hello@blockoutacademy.com with your athletes name, course name, and how we can help if you wish to make a payment plan or sign up for multiple courses.

REQUIREMENT: Current annual membership fee ($119 for single athlete or $179 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants OR Premium membership (single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

QUESTIONS? Email us at hello@blockoutacademy.com

MIDDLE SCHOOL 7/8th GRADE ADVANCED- DROP IN Purchase required to enroll

Middle School Advanced class is an awesome opportunity for athletes gearing up for their school seasons. This class is for competitive athletes only with multiple years of experience. Open to and encouraging all positions hence its all skill class.This class will offer tons of repetition and instruction! This is an advanced MS athlete class.

Drop In Class covers setting, passing, hitting, serving and tips on what it takes to be great and sharpen up all fundamentals.

We Highly Encourage adding Strength and Conditioning class before class 4-5pm (please let us know if you would like to add this).

Other requirements for enrollment:

*Must have current annual membership fee to enroll.

* Current Annual membership fee ($99 for single athlete or $149 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.

* Optional: Premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly membership fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

*If you are new to Blockout, you must select minimum newcomer plan (3 clinic plan) or larger plan before you can drop into a single session.

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

Freshman Skills Spring Training -Rising 9th Grade Purchase required to enroll

Freshman is a class designed to develop all skills, physical and mental performance. High repetition classes are designed to elevate all skills and build confidence.

Here is a video of the Spring training info meeting:

(classes beginning Feb 4th / May 1st)

Valentines Day: Classes ON as scheduled.

No Spring Break
Classes (TBA)

Monthly Fees: there will be 3 payments of $500 for Spring Training (billed on the 1st of the month unless other arrangements were made)

Registration Fee: All participants must have current membership fee $129 or $189 for multiple kids. Once expired we will automatically bill renewal if you are in 16 week program. Premium membership $199 or $259 for multiple family members (includes Free mental performance clinics and 2 shirts are included reminds the same).

Drop-Out Policy - If the athlete wishes to drop out after the drop-out period, you will still be financially responsible for the remainder entire program tuition. If the athlete drops out due to injury/illness, a doctor’s note will be required to receive credit for the future lessons. The credit will have 30 days expiration date from the time athlete is released.

If athlete drops out due to relocating- we will need documentation of moving.

Drama: There will be no drama tolerated. We ask that athletes respect themselves, other athletes and coaches.

Weather: If classes are canceled per weather advisory there will be NO MAKE up classes for our programs.

Declined Cards: If the cards are declined on the billing cycle there will be declined card $35 charge.

Drop in- clinics/ Other programs: If athlete desires to participate in other clinics, programs and privates they can go and register online at least 48 hours before program/class starts.

Performance Discussion: We encourage the athlete to ask questions regarding performance. If you wish to set up meeting and discuss goals/ progress etc we can- it will be billed at hourly rate.

QUESTIONS? Email us at hello@blockoutacademy.com

Elite Varsity Libero / DS Purchase required to enroll

This class is for a high drive athlete in pursuit of excellence in 3 areas: technical, physical and mental performance.

WHO: High-level varsity or collegiate passers and all around players looking to work on serve/ serve receive and defense skills.

Drop-Out Policy: If the athlete wishes to drop out, you will still be financially responsible for the remainder entire program tuition. If the athlete drops out due to injury/illness, a doctor’s note will be required to receive credit for the future lessons. The credit will have 30 days expiration date from the time athlete is released.

Send us an email at hello@blockoutacademy.com. Please contact us if you are new to the program and unsure if this is a right fit for you: text START to 205-498-8153

Pre-Tryout Clinic - Rising 7th & 8th - Limited Experience Purchase required to enroll

The Pre-Tryout Clinic is designed for rising 7th & 8th graders with limited experience to prepare for school tryouts.

This clinic is a drop-in class, therefore, you would need to enroll in every class you wish to attend. Drop-in classes are $75.

Enrollment is limited to 12 athletes.

* Current annual registration fee $119 for single athlete or $199 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants. (Schedule and plans become available once you become a member)

* We close class registration 24 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 24 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com.

Please contact hello@blockoutacademy.com if you have any questions.

HS All Skills Camp (9th-12th grade) Purchase required to enroll

Are you looking to get extra reps before the school season begins? This is a great fit for High School athletes to work all skills. This is a 3-hour All Skills camp that will work skills including serve, serve receive, hitting, blocking, and defense.

WHO: Current HS athletes (9th-12th).

COST: Total price for this camp is $150.

REQUIREMENT: Current annual membership fee ($119 for single athlete or $179 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants OR Premium membership (single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

Pre-Tryout Clinic Purchase required to enroll

The Pre-Tryout Clinic is designed for rising 7th & 8th graders with limited experience to prepare for school tryouts.

Hop in this class to improve on all-skills and build your confidence before tryouts.

Please contact hello@blcokoutacademey.com if you have any questions.

Full Body Workout Open Gym - Strength & Conditioning Purchase required to enroll

Full body workout open gym at our strength & conditioning facility on Saturdays! It’ll include a total body workout that athletes can come in and complete during the open gym window at their own pace.

*Open to members and non members.

These sessions are held in the Strength Facility across the street from BOA in suite #315.

If you are within the 48 hours or would like to purchase a plan, please contact hello@blockoutacademy.com.

Mental Performance coaching 1:1 $80 per class No purchase required to enroll

Coach Nev offers invaluable strategies and resources to close the gap between average and elite mindset, and help clients release break that is holding them or their team back.

In her sessions, she shares information and tools with her clients, that help them consider new approaches to problems they thought were too difficult to solve, motivational tools to help people reach their goals, and tips that help people become the best version of themselves.

Elite Varsity Block Purchase required to enroll

The Elite Varsity Block is a 2 hour class designed to challenge athletes to perform at a higher level. We will be working on skills needed for an elite athlete and athletes that are looking to play at a higher or collegiate level.

Class consists of an hour of strength and conditioning, followed by the hour of skill training. Those sessions are loaded with mental performance tools that will help athletes close the gap between average and elite mindset.
This class is priced at $75 for a drop-in session or 8 classes for $475.

Must be a current BlockOut member.

If you have any questions please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com

MS Hitting/Blocking Boot Camp Purchase required to enroll

This is a great opportunity for advanced 7/8th graders who are looking to further their hitting and blocking skills. This class focuses on hitting footwork, arm swing, wrist snap, ball placement, hip/upper body torque. For blocking: basic footwork, net penetration, core stability on jump, etc. These 6 classes are loaded with repetition of skills. Fun but challenging, these sessions are designed to inspire athletes to be relentless in their pursuit of excellence. Strength and Conditioning is included and attendance for both strength and skill classes are required.

This is not beginner/limited experience camp. Please reach out if you are looking for a beginner-based program.

**Annual Membership is required to participate in this class**

Mental Performance 4-Week Program Purchase required to enroll

4-Week Mental Performance Program for Volleyball Athletes

Give your daughter the competitive edge she needs on (and off) the court! Over the next four weeks, your athlete will learn to master the “controllables”: attitude, effort, and energy, while developing routines and strategies to effectively manage her mental and emotional state.

What to Expect

  • Positive Mindset: Developing a winning attitude that helps her stay focused under pressure.
  • Maximized Effort & Energy: Understanding how to channel her energy and effort to reach new levels of performance.
  • Routines & Consistency: Building daily habits that foster confidence and help maintain a steady mental game.
  • State Management: Learning practical techniques to stay calm, composed, and adaptable in fast-paced matches.

By the end of this program, you’ll see your daughter step onto the court with newfound confidence, resilience, and a clear mental framework that will serve her well in athletics, academics, and beyond. Let’s work together to help her reach her full potential!

Mental Performance Seminar $85 per class From $85 per visit with Mental Performance Seminar pass Purchase required to enroll

Mental Performance Seminars are held once a month and cover a different topic each month and are led by our certified Mental Performance teacher, Coach DJ.

Many athletes hit a road block in their mental performance and simply don't have or don't know the tools to overcome those barriers.

Cost $85 per clinic / Free access for premium membership athletes.

Zoom links will be sent out via email the night before each seminar. Please make sure email on client profile is up to date!

7th / 8th Grade Limited Experience All-Skill Development Purchase required to enroll

This limited experience, all-skill development program is designed to introduce or further develop all fundamental for your current 7th/8th grader without much experience. We will focus on fundamentals of footwork, setting, passing, hitting, blocking, serving. This is not for an advanced athlete.

This is a 8 week program, consisting of 2 classes per week (1hr skill + 1hr strength)

COST: The price for the entire program is $1000. This can be paid upon registration in full or our staff can split in two payments. $500 will be due at signup and the remaining $500 will be due on November 1st. Please email hello@blockoutacademy.com with your athletes name (if you are new create your account first and select membership feee under plan), course name and how we can help (signing up for multiple courses or splitting payments)

REQUIREMENT: Current annual membership fee ($119 for single athlete or $179 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants OR Premium membership (single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

QUESTIONS? Email us at hello@blockoutacademy.com

Vertical Jump Clinic Purchase required to enroll

Each week athletes will be coached through a progression toward improved loading and acceleration off of one foot and two feet respectively. This translates into improved jump height and reduced likelihood of jump related injuries.

Athletes will test their verticals on the force plates to identify their vertical jump profile so that we can give them exercises to do specific to their individual needs.

Athletes who attend regularly, be tested on highest touch on the Vertec and maximum effort vertical jump height on the jump mat.

Jump Clinics are done in our strength & conditioning facility across from volleyball suite #315

Strength and Conditioning From $14 per visit with Strength & Conditioning Monthly Pass - With a Volleyball Course pass Purchase required to enroll

We designed our Strength & Conditioning program to work in conjunction with our skills training programs. Coach DJ and Coach Jared work with athletes to develop strength in the musculature that will enhance jumping and moving with competence, along with injury prevention.

We highly encourage our volleyball athletes to attend strength and conditioning classes, but strength and conditioning isn’t only for volleyball players. Female athletes of any sport can benefit from S&C. So if you have friends or family members who could use some extra training, have them join you in S&C!

August - June classes are offered 5-8pm (please check our schedule for exact class time)
June/July classes are offered 12-1pm; 4-5pm.
Vertical Jump Clinics are offered on Saturdays at 9-10

Full body workout open gym at our strength & conditioning facility on Saturdays! It’ll include a total body workout that athletes can come in and complete during the open gym window at their own pace.

Monthly pass is $250 for members and 50% off discount is given to Athletes who are enrolled in monthly programs or monthly summer camps at BOA.

* Current annual membership fee ($99 for single athlete or $149 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.
optional: premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

Rising 7th / 8th Grade All-Skills Advanced Bootcamp Purchase required to enroll

Looking for a twice a week class that can help improve the skills of your advanced Middle Schooler? You are at the right place. This is a great fit for Rising 7th & 8th grade athletes who are more advanced to work on all skills. Classes are loaded with detailed instruction and repetition along with mental coaching on what it takes to be great. This includes one hour of skills training on Mondays & Wednesdays. This is a four week Boot Camp that runs from April 29th to May 22nd.

*Annual Membership is required to participate in this class*


This class will be held at the West Homewood Athletic Center!

123 W Oxmoor Rd

Homewood, AL 35209

5th - 8th Grade Beginner/Limited Experience Boot Camp Purchase required to enroll

Do you have a beginner who has little or no experience and is eager to learn? You are at the right place. This is a great fit for beginner or Middle School athletes to work on all skills. Classes are loaded with detailed instruction and repetition along with mental coaching on what it takes to be great. This includes one hour of skills training on Mondays & Wednesdays. This is a four week Boot Camp that runs from April 29th to May 22nd.

*Annual Membership is required to participate in this class*


This class will be held at the West Homewood Athletic Center!

123 W Oxmoor Rd

Homewood, AL 35209

HS Hitting/Blocking Clinic Purchase required to enroll

This Clinic is 90 minutes loaded with tons of repetition for hitting skills that include: hitting footwork, explosiveness, timing, wrist snap, precision, etc. Great opportunity for high school athletes who have busy weekly schedule but want to further their hitting skills, increase their IQ, and confidence.

This is for HS athletes who have more than 1 year playing experience who would like to strengthen their hitting and blocking skills. This is not a beginner camp! If you have no prior experience (Rec league doesn’t count as an experience) please contact us and we will suggest the correct class/camp

Open to members for $90 and nonmembers for $100.

Questions? Send us an email hello@blockoutacademy.com

HS Hitting/Blocking Mini Camp $100 per class From $125 per visit with Non-BOA Member Pass pass Purchase required to enroll

This Mini Camp is two hours loaded with tons of repetition for hitting skills that include: hitting footwork, explosiveness, timing, wrist snap, precision, etc. Great opportunity for high school athletes who have busy weekly schedule but want to further their hitting skills, increase their IQ, and confidence.

This Mini Camp is for HS athletes who have more than 1 year playing experience who would like to strengthen their hitting and blocking skills. This is not a beginner camp! If you have no prior experience (Rec league doesn’t count as an experience) please contact us and we will suggest the correct class/camp

Total price for this camp $100. Non-members $125. No make up classes offered for this program

Questions? Send us an email hello@blockoutacademy.com

Oak Mountain Rising 8th grade A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.

This is a custom made class designed only for rising 8th graders from Oak Mountain MS.

Not open to other Atheltes.

Mental Performance Zoom $10.99 per class Purchase required to enroll

This class is open for anybody with access to zoom app! 30 minutes zoom meeting are designed to address most common mental performance barriers and give tools to improve mental performance!

Individual with Strength Coach Jared Purchase required to enroll

1 on 1 strength training session with Coach Jared.

Sessions are individualized to each athlete to help them reach their specific goals. Coach Jared will work with our athletes to develop strength in musculature that will enhance jumping, athletic performance, and movement competence along with injury prevention.

1 session/ $100 per

Plans available:
10 sessions/ $900
20 sessions/ &1800

* Current Annual membership fee ($129 for single athlete or $189 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.
* Optional: Premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly membership fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

Perfromance Testing $50 per class From $50 per visit with Performance Testing pass Purchase required to enroll

Performance testing is one of the most important tools in your training and also recruiting. In order to get better and track your progress you have to be aware where you stand first and where you need to make improvements the most:

Atheltes will test their:

Height, Reach, Wingspan

10 yard split

Jump Mat 4 jump test - average height/max height

Jump Mat 10-5 Test - Relative Strength Index - Need strength, power or plyometrics

Broad Jump

Approach Jump

5-10-5 (Pro Agility)

5-0-5 (dynamic Agility drill)

Open to member and non-members.

Coaches- we test entire teams- if you would like to schedule please contact us hello@blockoutacademy.com

HIGH SCHOOL ALL SKILL CAMP- DROP IN Purchase required to enroll

All Skill High School class is an awesome opportunity for rising 9th-12th grade athletes who are gearing up for their school season.

This class is for competitive athletes only with multiple years of experience. Open to and encouraging all positions hence its all skill camp.This class will offer tons of repetition and instruction! If your athlete is rising 9th grader and new to BlockOut please contact us before enrolling (hello@blockoutacademy.com)

This Drop In Class covers setting, passing, hitting, serving and tips on what it takes to be great and sharpen up your skills!

We Highly Encourage adding Strength and Conditioning class before class 12-1pm (please let us know if you would like to add this).

Other requirements for enrollment:

*Must have current annual membership fee to enroll.

* Current Annual membership fee ($99 for single athlete or $149 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.

* Optional: Premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly membership fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

*If you are new to Blockout, you must select minimum newcomer plan (3 clinic plan) or larger plan before you can drop into a single session.

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153


We are very excited to bring this new program to our regular schedule and grow it. Over the last few years, we have found a big gap between 7th and 8th graders and between 8th graders and High School age athletes. This program closes that gap and offers competitive and advanced skill training, without jeopardizing their social & mental development.

Middle School High Development Class is a great opportunity for middle school athletes who are gearing up for their 8th grade school/ club season and looking to be well prepared for High School tryouts next spring.

This class is for competitive athletes only, with multiple years of skill training and playing experience. This class will offer tons of repetition and instruction on all skills!

We highly encourage pairing it up with strength & conditioning class at 4:00pm where they will enhance their movement, increase their strength and learn weight lifting fundamentals- crucial before they step into High School weight room.

We know summer is a busy and hectic time for all- we are going to allow drop in option for those who will be in and out of town and can't commit to a full month.

Other: requirements for enrollment:

*Must have current annual membership fee to enroll.

* Current Annual membership fee ($99 for single athlete or $149 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.

* Optional: Premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly membership fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

*If you are new to Blockout, you must select minimum newcomer plan (3 clinic plan) or larger plan before you can drop into a single session.

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

BEGINNER 4-6th GRADE- DROP IN Purchase required to enroll

Beginner 4-6th Grade class is an awesome opportunity for athletes that want to get introduced to volleyball and are eager to learn!

This class is for beginner athletes with little to no experience. This class will offer tons of repetition and instruction!

This Drop In Class will introduce your athlete to setting, passing, hitting, serving and tips on what it takes to be great!

Other requirements for enrollment:

*Must have current annual membership fee to enroll.

* Current Annual membership fee ($99 for single athlete or $149 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.

* Optional: Premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly membership fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

*If you are new to Blockout, you must select minimum newcomer plan (3 clinic plan) or larger plan before you can drop into a single session.

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

2025 Travel Team Parent Interest Meeting No purchase required to enroll

This Parent Meeting is open to those who are interested in being a part of our 2025 Travel Teams. This meeting will be held via Zoom and will cover information such as expectations, schedules, team fees, our services.

If you will be attending this meeting- your athlete MUST fill out this form prior to the meeting:


Zoom link will be sent out via email the morning of the meeting.

Parent Meeting- spring training Info No purchase required to enroll

This Parent Meeting is open to those interested in joining Blockout Academy's spring training for January- April 2025. This meeting will be held via Zoom and will cover information such as expectations, schedules, team fees, our services.

Zoom link will be sent out 24 hours prior start time.

15's - 17's Travel Team Tryouts $75 per class Purchase required to enroll

This is a tryout for athletes who are interested in playing for our 15's, 16's, or 17's teams for the 2025 Travel Season. This tryout is open to all, but BlockOut Academy members will take priority as they are athletes we know and trust. If non-member athletes make a team it is REQUIRED to purchase a BlockOut membership.

If you plan to come to BOA Tryouts, you MUST fill out the form here: https://forms.gle/Qb1A8Semg7hPyXf17

13's Travel Team Tryouts $75 per class Purchase required to enroll

This is a tryout for athletes who are interested in playing for our 13's team for the 2025 Travel Season. This tryout is open to all, but BlockOut Academy members will take priority as they are athletes we know and trust. If a non-member athletes make a team it is REQUIRED to purchase a BlockOut membership.

12's Travel Team Tryouts $75 per class Purchase required to enroll

This is a tryout for athletes who are interested in playing for our 12's team for the 2025 Travel Season. This tryout is open to all, but BlockOut Academy members will take priority as they are athletes we know and trust. If a non-member athletes make a team it is REQUIRED to purchase a BlockOut membership.

*** If you previously tried out for our 12's team in the Summer please email us & you can attend these tryouts for free!***

Nationals Tryout- 15's / 16's $75 per class Purchase required to enroll

This is a tryout for athletes who are interested in playing for out 15's and 16's team for the Nationals Tournament in Orlando, FL this Summer.

If you are planning to attend the tryout please fill out the form here: https://forms.gle/DesUcNjkLSeEyRgY8

Then, sign up for the tryout so we know who is coming.

What we are looking for:
 - setter
 - utility hitter
 - middle blocker

 - setter

HS Pin Hitter Clinic Purchase required to enroll

In this clinic, pin hitters (OH & RH) will work on all of their attacks. This clinic is open to attackers ages 15 and up and playing on JV, Varsity, or Collegiate teams.

No make up classes offered for this program

Questions? Send us an email hello@blockoutacademy.com

Middle Blocker Clinic Purchase required to enroll

In this clinic, middle attackers will work on all of their attacks including: 1s, 31s, 6s, & Slides. This clinic is open to middle attackers ages 15 and up and playing on JV, Varsity, or Collegiate teams.

No make up classes offered for this program

Questions? Send us an email hello@blockoutacademy.com

Advanced Serving: Standing, Float, & Jump Serve Purchase required to enroll

This program is great for rising 8th-12th graders who are interested in improving their serve. Consistency, accuracy, & precision spot serving for standing, float, and jump serves are a focus of this group.

We work to to hold athletes accountable to work towards clear set goals in order to gain unshakable confidence and learn strategies to ensure success both on and off the court.

This clinic is a drop-in class, therefore, you would need to enroll in every class you wish to attend.

Serving Mini Camp (5th-8th Grade) $90 per class From $125 per visit with Serving Mini Camp Non-Member Pass pass Purchase required to enroll

This is a great fit for the Beginner or Middle School athletes to work exclusively on their Serving Skills: toss/positioning/point of contact/power/precision. We cover both standing float and jump serve techniques (if athlete is ready to work on jump serves). You can expect to work on the toss break down, footwork, point of contact, and accuracy. Ninety minutes loaded with detailed instruction and repetition.

Top focus of every class is holding athletes accountable to work towards clear set goals in order to gain unshakable confidence and learn strategies to ensure success both on and off the court.

Open to members for $90 and non-members for an additional $25.

Beginner / Limited Experience Serve & Serve Receive Clinic $40 per class Purchase required to enroll

In partnership with Homewood Parks and Rec- BlockOut is doing a bundle of 4 skills clinics for Beginner / Limited Experience Athletes. These are geared toward those who play rec volleyball or are just getting started.

Clinics are as follows:

9/14 8 AM - 9 AM: Setting Clinic
9/21 8 AM - 9 AM: Serving Clinic (standing float serve)
9/28 8 AM - 9 AM: First Contact (serve / serve receive)
10/5 8 AM - 9 AM: Hitting (arm swing / point contact / footwork)

Cost is $40 per clinic or $125 for all four clinics

Beginner / Limited Experience Hitting Clinic $40 per class Purchase required to enroll

In partnership with Homewood Parks and Rec- BlockOut is doing a bundle of 4 skills clinics for Beginner / Limited Experience Athletes. These are geared toward those who play rec volleyball or are just getting started.

Clinics are as follows:

9/14 8 AM - 9 AM: Setting Clinic
9/21 8 AM - 9 AM: Serving Clinic (standing float serve)
9/28 8 AM - 9 AM: First Contact (serve / serve receive)
10/5 8 AM - 9 AM: Hitting (arm swing / point contact / footwork)

Cost is $40 per clinic or $125 for all four clinics

Beginner / Limited Experience Serving Clinic $40 per class Purchase required to enroll

In partnership with Homewood Parks and Rec- BlockOut is doing a bundle of 4 skills clinics for Beginner / Limited Experience Athletes. These are geared toward those who play rec volleyball or are just getting started.

Clinics are as follows:

9/14 8 AM - 9 AM: Setting Clinic
9/21 8 AM - 9 AM: Serving Clinic (standing float serve)
9/28 8 AM - 9 AM: First Contact (serve / serve receive)
10/5 8 AM - 9 AM: Hitting (arm swing / point contact / footwork)

Cost is $40 per clinic or $125 for all four clinics

MS Serving Clinic (5th-8th graders) Purchase required to enroll

This is a great fit for the Beginner or Middle School athletes to work exclusively on their Serving Skills: toss/positioning/point of contact/power/precision. We cover both standing float and jump serve techniques (if athlete is ready to work on jump serves). You can expect to work on the toss break down, footwork, point of contact, and accuracy. 60 minutes loaded with detailed instruction and repetition.

Top focus of every class is holding athletes accountable to work towards clear set goals in order to gain unshakable confidence and learn strategies to ensure success both on and off the court.

College Recruiting Seminar No purchase required to enroll

Are you interested in playing college volleyball? What are some important factors to consider when thinking about your college recruiting experience? In this College Recruiting Seminar, we will talk strategy when compiling your wants/needs in a collegiate program. Athletes preparing for their sophomore, junior, or senior year are welcome to join!

Recruiting seminars will be held once a month, be on the lookout for future dates!

WHO: HS athletes who would like to know more about the college recruiting process.

COST: Total price for this seminar is $75.

REQUIREMENT: Current annual membership fee ($199 for single athlete or $179 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants OR Premium membership (single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

Mtn. Brook- Rising 7th Purchase required to enroll

WHO: This is reserved for custom group- Mtn. Brook rising 7th graders

COST: We offer 5 & 10 session packages (5 for $300 & 10 for $600). You may add a package in registration.

REQUIREMENT: Current annual membership fee ($119 for single athlete or $179 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants OR Premium membership (single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly registration fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

Drop-Out Policy: If the athlete wishes to drop out, you will still be financially responsible for the remainder entire program tuition. If the athlete drops out due to injury/illness, a doctor’s note will be required to receive credit for the future lessons. The credit will have 30 days expiration date from the time athlete is released.

Questions? Email us hello@blockoutacademy.com

BOA VARSITY/COLLEGIATE LIBERO/DS- DROP IN No purchase required to enroll

This is a drop in class is for higher level varsity athlete or collegiate prospects. This class is for a high drive athlete in pursuit of excellence in 3 areas: technical, physical and mental performance.

Every Class consists of one hour volleyball skills training focused on improving on your defense and serve receive.
This is an invite only class- must be invited, recommended by a coach or approved by BOA staff prior to enrolling.

Other requirements to enroll:

*Must have current annual membership fee to enroll.

* Current Annual membership fee ($99 for single athlete or $149 for multi-athlete family is required for all participants.

* Optional: Premium membership ( single athlete $199/multiple $259 - includes yearly membership fee, two BOA shirts, registration priority, free mental performance seminars)

*If you are new to Blockout, you must select minimum newcomer plan (3 clinic plan) or larger plan before you can drop into a single session.

* We close class registration 48 hours prior so we can carefully plan our practices. If you wish to enroll inside the 48 hour window, please contact us at hello@blockoutacademy.com or text START to (205) 498-8153

Please contact us if you are new to the program and unsure if this is a right fit for you: text START to 205-498-8153

Pre-Tryout Mini Camp (12's - 14's) $50 per class Purchase required to enroll

This Mini Camp is for anyone who is getting ready for Travel Team Tryouts. Coaches will work with athletes to sharpen up on all skills and fundamentals before going into club tryouts.

This is a great opportunity for those who are new to BOA to see the culture and check out what it is like to train at BlockOut Academy.

This Mini Camp is only for athletes that would play on 12's, 13's, or 14's in the 2025 Travel Season.


123 W Oxmoor Rd
Homewood, AL 35209
United States

Pre-Tryout Mini Camp Beginner-Advanced $100 per class From $125 per visit with Non-BOA Member Pass pass Purchase required to enroll

This Mini Camp is two hours of skills practice preparing and helping athletes to gain confidence before going into Middle School tryouts. Open to rising 7th and 8th graders of all skill levels.


Open to members for $100 and nonmembers for $125.

Varsity / Collegiate Boot Camp Purchase required to enroll

This class is for higher level varsity athlete or collegiate prospects focusing on hitting and blocking. This class is for a high drive athlete in pursuit of excellence in 3 areas: technical, physical, and mental performance. Each class consists of one hour with Coach Nev and one hour with Coach Dj /Jared twice a week for four weeks. Classes run from April 30th - May 23rd.

**Annual Membership is required to participate in this class**